Once you got patch applied sucessfuly message please reboot your PS3 system manually.
(Wait until the end and do not touch anything)
Read Patch Confirmation Warning and click on YES.
Apply Loaded Patch by pressing X on Flash Memory Patch folder (Apply Loaded Patch).
Download Flash Memory Patch by pressing X button on Flash memory Patch folder.
(We recommand save backup file on USB root)
Press X button on Flash memory folder and Save Flash Memory Backup.
Click on Flahs Memory Manager (It should say CFW compatible PS3: ✔).
Open your internet browser and visit /bgtoolset/.
Once you finish the update process please connect internet on your PS3 system.
Select update system software via Storage Media and follow the screen introduction.
Plug your USB drive on your PS3 and go to Setting ⇨ System Software Update.
Put your HFW file in UPDATE folder (Make Sure update file is PS3UPDAT/PS3UPDAT.PUP).
Create root folder PS3 and then inside folder UPDATE in uppercase.
Plug your USB drive on your PC and format it with FAT32.
Extract all the required files on your computer or laptop in the same folder.
Before you follow this process, please clear your cookies and cache from your PS3 browser. HFW 4.88 firmware installation is required before applying any patch. Some people say bgtoolset support OFW (Official Firmware) but we highly recommend you to go through HFW (Hybrid Firmware). If your PS3 system is compatible with the CFW installer and you’ve installed OFW/HFW on it, you can continue this article, if not please go with compatible jailbreak. Make sure you check your PS3 model number in PS3 Jailbreak compatibility list. I already have shared with you PS3 HAN installer (nonCFW users) and CFW installer (CFW compatible system) tutorial. But you need to go to HFW (Hybrid Firmware) first. Most people ask can I convert my PS3 OFW to CFW? The answer is – bgtoolset (PS3 Toolset) allows you to convert your OFW to CFW.